AIR – Building Quality in Afterschool – The Path to Quality resource portal provides afterschool networks with step-by-step guidance to help develop quality afterschool systems, programs, and staff.
Staff Supports for Building Quality in OST – Highlights of the four foundational supports for afterschool staff include, Core Competencies, Credential Systems, Aligned Professional Development Options and Career Pathways.
Measuring STEM Learning in Afterschool Programs – Tools for efficiency in STEM practices are constructed to evaluate programs success and how to adapt across diverse communities.
Framework for Effectively Working with Young People – This guide explores authentic youth engagement, including how it benefits young people, why it works and what it looks like in real life.
U.S. Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences (IES) – This site catalogs a variety of resources, including those created outside of IES, that may be useful in this effort of finding “what works” for afterschool programs.
Creative Ways to Solicit Stakeholder Feedback – We collected our favorite non-traditional ways to solicit input from stakeholders, like selfie stations, candy surveys, and collages, and put them into one place.
Essential Role of Intermediaries in Quality OST – An overview of the importance of supportive networks and intermediary groups to increasing the scale of and developing systems of funding and technical resources for high-quality after school programs
Skills for Success: Developing Social and Emotional Competencies in Out-of-School-Time Programs – This report offers guidance to out-of-school-time providers and intermediaries looking to incorporate social and emotional learning into their programming for young people.